We would like to invite you to use The NHS App. This allows you to access a range of NHS services. Here is a video which explains how the NHS app works. At this surgery you can use the NHS app to:
- Order repeat medications
- Cancel appointments
- View GP health record
- Manage health services for others
- Nominate a pharmacy
Click here to get started with the NHS app.
If you have any problems accessing the NHS app you can contact the support team.
Warrengate Medical Centre News
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - the practice will be closed for Bank Holiday on the below dates:
- Wednesday 25th December 2024
- Thursday 26th December 2024
- Wednesday 1st January 2025
You may have noticed our telephone message has changed recently, this is in order for us to offer the best service to our patients.
Could we please remind you that no repeat prescription requests will be taken over the phone, these can be done via email, SystmOnline, your NHS App or a paper prescription request. Requests can take up to 48 hours to action.
You do not need to contact the surgery for test results, we will contact you if they need further action. Please therefore, always update your contact telephone numbers. You can also access your test results on the NHS App.
Feedback is always encouraged and appreciated at Warrengate, especially when changes are being made, to ensure we offer you the best possible service. You will now receive a friends and family text message following your appointment, where possible please fill in and send back to us.
Memory Lane Cafe
Do you or somebody you care for struggle with memory loss?
If so, please come and join us at the Memory Lane Cafe for a cuppa and a chat!
Memory Lane Cafe is a relaxed drop in cafe for anyone with memory difficulties and their carers.
The Cafe runs on the first Friday of every month, however, the next Cafe will fall on Friday 10th January 2025. We look forward to seeing you there.
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Domestic Abuse Local and National support
Everyone has the right to live a life free from fear and abuse
Local Support
Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service
0800 915 1561
Well Women Centre
01924 211114
Marie House Refuge
07843 344457
Victim Support
0300 303 1971 for West Yorkshire
0808 1689 111 for the national support line.
Restore Families Wakefield
Contact Jane Wignall at Restorative Solutions Call 07970 687254 or email: JaneWignall@restorativesolutions.org.uk
This is a whole family intervention for families experiencing violence and abuse from their children in the home.
National support
Women’s Aid
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
0808 2000 247
Men’s Advice Line
helpline for all male victims experiencing domestic abuse, including forced marriage
0808 801 0327
The helpline is for people identifying as LGBT+ who are experiencing domestic abuse.
0800 999 5428